Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Gospel-Centered Life

My deepest desire is to live a gospel-centered life. A gospel-centered life is lived by grace through faith for the glory of God. My default setting is to live by human strength through works to my own glory. This of course to leads to boasting when I succeed and deflation when I fail. If my life is not gospel-centered, it will be a life of idolatry that turns good things into ultimate things.

“Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used and using anything that is meant to be worshipped.” (Augustine)

Money and possessions ought to be used. Jesus should be worshipped. Jesus is not a means to money, things, or success. I realized earlier this year that I had being trying to use Jesus as a means of success. I would pray that he would give me fruit in ministry so that I would be somebody. The people that I serve were preyed upon as means to that success idol. This realization began a process of repentance where I seek to put Jesus first and accept His verdict that He has already made me significant because my name is in the book of life.

“There is no commitment we will make as church planters of greater importance than living close to Jesus. For church planting can become an idol factory; a prostitution ring; a cruel taskmaster; a breeding ground for addictions… we need church planters who will love Jesus with abandon, and who cultivate a lifestyle of growing in His grace and knowledge. Until you know yourself to be slow of heart to believe the gospel, you will never cultivate a burning heart for the gospel. Churches planted with the DNA of the gospel will be led by those who live a life of gospel astonishment." (Scotty Smith)

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