Saturday, April 18, 2009

More gems from Miller

As I mentioned a few days ago, I discovered an author (C.John Miller) that I have really been enjoying. He is an honest person. He went through lots of failure because, as he said, "I did the Lord's work in my own stength and for my own glory." That I can relate to. I just starting reading his book, The Heart of a Servant Leader, which a collection of letters he wrote over the years. Here is a quote from one where he was counseling a pastor who was confused about his caling:
“When I find myself without guidance from God, one of the first things I check out is whether I want guidance from God. That is often the big issue for me. Put simply, why should God give me guidance when my mind is closed to some aspect of His will?
I may have reservations in my heart about a path that I suspect He may want me to take. Or I may fear that He wants me to undertake a work that is beyond my capacity to handle… Tied in with this can also be a fleshly love of comfort and honor, or the security of a life where it is clear that I have things somewhat under control. In other words, my attitude is: 'Don’t disturb me God.' ”

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