Thursday, February 12, 2009

Being an Insider

Yesterday I listened to a very insightful and moving talk on 1 Peter 2:4-10 by Tim Keller. He got into the idea of the church being a holy priesthood. Priests are those who have access to God. In the New Covenant, all believers have unhindered access to God. We are all "insiders" now! But unlike all other forms of being an insider, the priesthood of God is not elitist. We get inside by the mercy of God. We not better than anyone. Keller referred to C.S. Lewis's famous essay called "The Inner Ring," where Lewis describes the universal human passion to be part of an elite insider group. The harder we try to be inside, the surer it is that we will remain outside. But Jesus has gained total access by his precious blood. Wow! If I really believe I am in with the God of the universe, who's approval do I need? Nobody's! Then why do I worry about it? Why do I try to impress others? I must not believe I am in.

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