Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What is Spiritual Renewal?

This post and the following two are an abridgment of Tim Keller's paper on "Kingdom-Centered Prayer." The full version, which contains a study guide of over one hundred pages is available at at the "redeemer store" for a mere $5.

What is spiritual renewal?
Spiritual revival or renewal is a work of God in which the church is beautified and empowered because the normal operations of the Holy Spirit are intensified. The normal operations of the Spirit include: conviction of sin, enjoyment and assurance of grace and the Father’s love, and creation of deep community and loving relationships.

Three marks of revival
In reality, there are three marks of genuine revival. First, there is an outpouring of the Spirit on and within the congregation, so that the presence of God among his people becomes evident and palpable. There is a new and deeper conviction of sin and repentance — not just for major ‘behavioral sins’ but for attitudes of the heart. There is then the experience of a far more powerful assurance of the nearness and love of God, with the end result that Christians become both humbler and bolder at once.
Secondly, as a result of this outpouring of the Spirit, the people of the world are brought into the church and it begins to grow. Why? On the one hand, the renewed believers create a far more attractive community. On the other hand, when Christians who begin to experience God’s love and put their relationship to Christ first in their lives, they become more willing and confident to talk to others about their faith and less judgmental when they do so. As a result, there are numerous conversions — sound, lasting and sometimes dramatic.
Thirdly, there is an impact on the community surrounding the church and even the broader culture. Revivals produce waves of people who become involved in works of social concern and social justice. Major social justice movements such as abolitionism had strong roots in the revivals.
The 1904-05 revival in Wales had created many social changes. Life in the coal pits was transformed; workers and management engaged in prayer meetings on company time. Many working people came to take aged parents home from the workhouses where they had been sent. Long-standing debts were paid, stolen goods returned, and crime rates plummeted.
Summary: These three marks of revival may be small or large, long or short, dramatic or quiet, widespread or localized.

How does spiritual renewal come?
One factor always seems to be present in every revival. It is intense, corporate prayer especially in the face of a specific challenge. This prayer is not so much for personal needs, but a prayer that the world would be awed and amazed by the evidence of God’s power and radiance in the church.

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