Monday, February 23, 2009

Pain Not Wasted

I wrote this poem as I reflected on my motives for ministry. I was worried that my life as a servant has over, that I had wasted the past twenty five years in failure.

I asked God in remorse and fear,

“Will I be a success?
Is it too late?
Have I failed?
Were the years away in vain?
Was it a mistake?
Can you explain?
What was at stake?”

In piercing sweet gentleness He answered,

“Failure there was in your haste,
And in your overreach
Me you did not seek,
But your toil was not to me a waste.
I unhinged your venture,
I invaded your barricaded heart,
To fashion you a new start.

“The wells of what you craved I emptied,
I took away that tonic before it poisoned you,
I shattered your idol to refashion you,
To hold living water in endless supply
From Me without cost.”

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